New Stories for Everyday Superstar: Avri James Available on Monday and Friday
New Stories for Everyday Superstar: Avri James Available on Monday and Friday
At, I believe that living a healthy and fulfilling life is about finding balance. That starts with discovering the things that set our souls on fire. It can be something as monumental as an entire life overhaul, or as simple as starting an amazing new book. is here to provide guidance, and share some of the amazing things I've come across on my own journey.
This is where I come to express myself, and say whatever is on my mind. Whether it's talking about how the Divine Feminine is moving, to whatever is going on in the world that I don't quite understand. If it's been on my mind, then I'm talking about it in Versailles. New post available every Wednesday.
Life Imitates Art... Avri James is a (fictional)26 year old living in Connecticut. She's smart, tenacious, and damn near amazing. Avri discovered and connected with her Twin Flame at the age of 18. Follow her as she navigates their journey, learning just how unique and special it truly is; most importantly, how to love someone the way she loves herself. Any great story starts from the beginning, for all those just joining the superstar journey, go to the beginning and read forward. All Artwork by GDBEE.
Everyone has the right to feel beautiful and pampered, regardless of their budget. Nouveau Beauty is the place where I scope out the Best in Beauty at a fabulous price point. We CAN, and WILL have it ALL. New post available every Tuesday and Friday.
"If it ain't one thing, then it's another!" that's how life is always hitting! Ascensions is the place where you can slow down, have a drink with your friends, and catch up on all the fuckery life has thrown our way. New post available every Thursday, with a fresh entry to The Lipstick Diaries every weekend.
Queen Khira
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Associated with the Solar and Sacral Chakras
This recommendation is personal...I'm ALL about protecting my personal Peace! Linden Flower is quiet possibly my favorite Tea. Not only is it absolutely delicious, but it relieves both tension and anxiety. It also helps to gently usher you into sleep, and boosts immunity. With Summer right around the corner, and an influx of events coming our way, it becomes harder to take a minute for yourself and decompress. Let Linden Flower provide you with some much deserved pampering...
Journal Prompt:
How important is my personal peace to me? What am I willing to do each day to maintain it?
Located at the above the Navel...Ruled by the Planet Mars
Avri James is a (fictional)26 year old living in Connecticut. She's smart, tenacious, and damn near amazing. Avri discovered and connected with her Twin Flame at the age of 18. Follow her as she navigates their journey, learning just how unique and special it truly is; most importantly, how to love someone the way she loves herself. Any great story starts from the beginning, for all those just joining the superstar journey, go to the beginning and read forward. All Artwork by GDBEE .
I sat in my backyard; still; just reflecting...All in All, the Universe has been doing me right. I'm happy everyday. In the famous words of my girl Charlotte York, "Not all day everyday, but Everyday." Sure, shit still happens, I'm just at Peace. When uncomfortable things happen, I move through them with more grace and understanding. Don't get it twisted, I still don't know what TF I'm doing😂 I just made the decision to Go with the flow, as opposed to moving against it. Sitting here, in the sunlight, I was having a moment of pure gratitude; for all that is, and will be...
Sometimes I get the feeling that the Universe utilizes our lives as it's sole source of entertainment. When I look at the shit we keep being presented with on a daily basis, it's becoming more and more apparent that the Creator is using us for shits and giggles. Have you ever had a scent take you some place? They say that scent is the closest of our senses tied to memory...
It's amazing how intoxicating Peace can be. When I say that absolutely Nothing was happening in my World-and I couldn't be happier. My friends were currently tired of me dishing out the exact same advice, "be honest about how you feel" at the moment. Eh, that's literally the root of every single problem ya'll are currently facing...
It was just before dawn, and I was wide awake...Landon's words about learning one another played in my head like a verse on repeat; I couldn't stop thinking about them. He was right; on sooo many levels. We had spent so much time building and maintaining our own individual identities, I didn't realize we had spent hardly any on our collective one...
From questions about Love and Life, to Spirituality, I've got you covered! you can submit your questions through the chat, or via email at I hope to hear from you soon!
Dear Queen,
How do you co-habitate with an Ex Partner?! I love my space and am still under lease, but I'm ready to date...what do I do?!
Dear "Compromised",
Um, unfortunately, my love, there is no such space! if the two of you didn't already have the adult conversation to remain in the same space, bit keep your personal lives separate, it's a little too late to be exploring those waters. Keep it cute, and keep your dating life out of your shared home until you are ready to move on.
It takes ALOT for me to sweat somebody...Create some of the most gorgeous (and spot on!) Oracle Cards I have ever come across, write the companion book to perfectly complement the deck, and you have me! Full review of the book, Moonology: Working With Moon Cycles in Versailles. Oracle decks coming soon...
Watch this amazing video. Pass it on... and then, go start a Conversation....
Ok, so this book is by far my go- to when I want to find anything specifically pertaining to candles, and any related correspondence. It's structured in an easy to understand, and very simple to navigate. Mystic Dylan is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors in the spiritual genre. I already have The Witch's Guide to Manifestation on deck as my next read!
This book was my first stop on my journey to re-discovering myself, and getting to the bottom of what was really going on inside. It shows you the way to reclaim your power and cherish your inner voice; gently helping you come to terms with the fact that you have ALWAYS been whole...
Every girl loves to be pampered...but with a step by step guide on how to fully nurture the beautiful creature you truly are, from the inside out...this could quite possibly be the most important book you read for the next 5 years! Seriously, we all need to take a step back, and shift our focus to what truly matters. How can we take care of those around us if we haven't first put any quality energy into ourselves?!
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